This is what happens when you don't come the first time your son says "mom, I need your help". I guess Adison was really jealous of Kenyon's bath and she just couldn't wait to get her clothes off.

Adison enjoying the park. She is way too cute huh?

Leaving for our V.day Party at the park.

We had a wonderful candle lit family dinner made with love for Daddy on Vday! We all had to go around the table and say one thing we love about each person it was tons of fun and really cute to hear what the kids had to say. The kids enjoyed having sparkling cider (or "spicy" as Avery calls it) and homemade lava cakes for dessert.
Here is our newest toy (a late b.day gift for Adia made for ages 8 and up). It looks innocent but this thing goes 10mph and is an accident waiting to happen. The funniest thing is that Kenyon is way too young for this and his hand isn't even big enough to reach the brake. He is also too light and everytime he takes off the thing does a wheelie. I haven't decided if it is funnier watching Kenyon on it or watching Kyle trying to catch him and keep him safe.