Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fun In The San Jose Sun!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
First Day of School (kind of)

Avery (5 1/2) Kindergarten/1st Grade

Adia (9) 5th Grade
Classes: Math in Literature
Express It! (Learning to read aloud and talk in front of groups with expression)
Group Worship Time!
This is our 3rd year having a co-op and we all LOVE it! This year we have 32 families and over 80 students. Basically we have a group worship and teaching time followed by two classes (broke up by grades just like "real" school), each class is one hour. Most moms teach a class one hour then have a fellowship time the second. This year I really wanted to be with the kids so I am teaching Avery the first hour and Kenyon the second. It's a lot of fun and people who homeschool without something like this are really missing out!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
We have been...

Taking lessons...

Getting left out of the fun...
Taking naps...

Breaking rules...
Watching movies...
Opening early presents... Being girly...
Trying to get group pictures.. Begging daddy not to leave us...
Playing hard...

Swinging at Grandpa's house...

Looking pretty as can be...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Dad, Coach, Friend, Counselor and So Much More!

What prompted this you may wonder... well my dad has been having a lot of pain lately and after being misdiagnosed with colon problems the doctors finally realized he has a "tumor" in his kidney that they suspect is cancerous. He had a cat scan done and it showed he is bleeding internally and will need to have a biopsy done early this week to figure out if he truly has cancer or not. Whether or not it is just the thought of him dealing with this breaks my heart and reminds me how lucky I am to have a dad like him. I pray to God that this will not be cancer, especially since my dad can be a big baby about being sick and needing help, but if it is I will try my hardest to do whatever I can to be half as there for him as he has always been for me. Not that I think he would need me but if he ever did I would treasure the opportunity to care for him and give back just an ounce of all he has given me!
I love you Dad! I'll always be your Baby Girl/Champ and I am praying so hard for a good outcome next week! Our family doesn't need any more drama... so let's get this over quick!
For those of you who are friends with God please ask Him, with me, to allow the biopsy to show there is NO CANCER. Thanks!
Oh and please do not mention this in front of my kids... they know all too well the devastating affects cancer can have on someone and we will not mention it to them until this is confirmed or denied. They don't need to think about their very loved and adored Papa being sick.