We had a wonderful Fathers Day celebrating Kyle - The World's Greatest Dad (Avery has asked him at least monthly for the last year to wear that shirt and he finally put it on for Father's Day )! Every year I seem to be more amazed at the wonderful father he is and want to do more and more and yet I also seem to be more aware that we are on a budget and have a harder time thinking of creative ways to spoil him and show our appreciation for all he does. Here is a photo re-cap of our day.
5:30 - I wake up to begin getting ready to be sure I can do everything without Kyle's help and have all of us out the door for church at 8:30. Below is all the kids who joined us in bed that night (oops - I'm sure he would have preferred to not have Adison cramping his space).

7:45 - Gift #1 We wake dad up singing "Happy Father's Day to You", give him a gift bag full of wrapped cards and serve him Breakast in bed.

8:40 - We leave for church.... no pictures of that miracle!
11:30 - Gift #2 We give dad a Northern CA plant guide and animal guide - then Avery announces that they get to go use them on the hike mom ruined on Mother's Day. We also let him know that mom and the 2 babies will be staying home to insure they ENJOY it this time around.

5:30 - Gift #3 Mom gives him a new pillow and tells him to relax while she finishes dinner... the goal was for him to get a nap at this point but they got home too late. ( I do have pictures of this part but this is a bit long so we will skip those).
7:00 - Gift #4 Everyone had to be showered and ready for bed before the final gift -Star Wars DVD's. Then after a mini talent show we spread out on the sofa to watch Star Wars Episode I.

It was a great day for a GREAT DAD!