Friday, August 27, 2010
Miller Fun
Monday, August 2, 2010
Summer Camp Cooks
Anyway... the whole point of this post is that it actually turned out to be fun! I'm so happy to see that God is truly changing me and helping me become more of the person He made me to be. Our family made a great team, the food turned out good and we even squeezed in a bit of time for some fun! Plus, we got to know a lot of our church family that we had never met and we gained some respect for our crazy friend the Bri-guy for his super tough job!
Durning the cooking times I was usually too busy to pull out my camera so the pictures make this look like a vacation... let me assure you there was much more cooking and cleaning than playing. But here are a few of the pictures I got.

A couple times we got to sneak out on a boat with the kids while the students were doing devotions or early in the morning. Princess Adison showed her true princess colors the whole trip. The wind in her face "bothers my hair", "i don't like being so dirty all day and not being clean", "next time can you call Aunt Stacey and she can watch me"... Avery on the other hand LOVED it!
Although Adia hasn't been on a wakeboard in over a year she picked up right where she left off and by the end of the trip was catching some great air!
Kaden never went on the boats but he LOVED hanging out on the beach. Each morning he would get very upset if I din't put his swim shorts on right away.
And here is the Princess the morning after her fall on the fire pit... it was so scary! She was literally walking right next to me, triped over nothing and fell. It was really late and I saw a black line on her face so I wiped it but she was only crying about her finger so we were icing that. When she woke up we saw the damage on her face and felt so bad.