I should have had Kristen do my makeup too before I took this shot but whatever. What do you think?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
It's all about ME!
I should have had Kristen do my makeup too before I took this shot but whatever. What do you think?
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Poor Little Guy
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tahoe - Finally!
Last weekend we took the kids up to hang out for the day and check out the new place that hopefully we will build many memories enjoying. It was fun for me because my only memories there were in the winter and I had no idea what a great place it was! This year we got lucky to find some availability the week before Christmas but next year I hope to use our time during the summer... it is so pretty! I'm so excited about it and wish I would have realized how great this place is a long time ago!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Pink & Purple Princess Tea Party
first a BIG THANK YOU to my Glorious Friend Glory for ALL her help in making Adison's first party perfect!!!! Well, maybe I helped her - either way we make a great team!

And there were some presents... later she said that was her favorite part
Monday, September 6, 2010
Mr. & Mrs. Carter
Here is the gorgreous couple on the windy wedding day!
And here is Kyle's crazy, amazing, HUGE, really good looking family!
And although it was all about Ty and Christi - we did get to spend time with lots of family due to the big event. Most importantly we got to meet our newest nephew...
Roman Carter Holyoak.
He is so cute! And his mom seems very aware of how lucky she is to be his mom! Congrats again Jill! Thanks for giving me niece/nephew #30!

Thursday, September 2, 2010
Big Boy - Big Job!
If you are wondering how a Zebra goes potty in the toilet the trick is having a syringe with yellow water and some pepper on hand.
Well, that was 2 days ago and we are still going potty every 20-30 minutes around here. Kaden isn't doing as well as Adison but he is doing good enough and for that I am so glad! He doesn't have accidents but he rarely says he has to go... he just goes when I take him. Here is the Big Boy taking care of business.
Oh and as I am typing this Kaden just came out of his room wearing his brothers boxers telling me he is a princess... not sure why he thinks this or what he is talking about but I had to grab the camera again. (gotta love the rush editing to cover his manhood huh?)
Did I mention I can't wait until the weekend when daddy is here to help me! Oh and being a 5th kid has some major perks... you have never seen such a large cheering crowd for every drop of pee this little boy has... SO CUTE!!!!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Back To School and LOVING IT!
Well, here are a few pictures of our first few days. Official first day of school pictures come the first day of co-op.
Adia has made a moby wrap out of one of my scarves to keep a pet on her while she reads or writes. This picture has such a huge smile on her due to the fact that her "baby" leaked on her while I was snapping shots. The picture she is holding is her version of a Picasso piece of art.
The kids have all enjoyed studying about the life of Pablo Picasso this week.
My Picasso wanna be's. It was so cute when I poured the paint today and Avery asked "are we painting something from his blue period or the cube one"?
Adison is always thrilled when she gets to join us!
Adia's books haven't all come in so she enjoyed a very easy history read the first day of school.
And here are the girls during reading time. They read for 30 minutes from a book about the time period we are studying in hisotry and then later in the day the get to read from a chapter book of their choice. I love that they enjoy that time and that I hear them sharing info with each other while they read. Although technically they aren't supposed to be talking.