And friends remember my dad always planting new flowers and hosing down our cement daily. Our yard was always so clean and pretty. So of course it is no surprise that although he is now enjoying ranch life it is so clean and the entry to his part of the property is beautiful! This is just to the left of the picture above.
Adia really enjoyed giving the kids rides in this but I think she enjoyed it more when they all got out and she could go fast. She always asks us if she can drive our cars and of course the answer is no (except for once or twice from me) and her arguement is that Papa lets her drive these things and his truck. Of course if Papa wants to sign papers saying he will pay for any damage she does to our cars than she is more than welcome to drive ours also.
None of the girls are allowed to stand in the back of these things while they are going but for some reason my dad has decided Kenyon can not only stand while he is driving, Kenyon gets to dance with his hands in the air. And I'm not giong to tell you what I think my dads motives are for that!
Anyway, it was a great little field trip.