With only 4 kids in the house and a medium amount of noise (kind of) we figured we should add something that would add a little more chaos...and it worked. Adia can not go on this without a really loud giggle, Avery and Kenyon have to scream and Adison has to have a tantrum when she either a. wants to be done or b. you tell her she is done and she disagrees. Mark my words, someone is going to brake a bone this year! So far we have only had minor injuries but the kids are getting more and more creative as to what you can do with this thing. I say a broken bone will be worth it because Teeter Totters are so FUN!

I definately agree! BUT it does look like fun! So cute! Love u!
I love how you clarified that you already know broken bones are coming but it's worth the fun! (you already knew what all of us "paranoid" people would be thinking and already had an answer for us) --made me laugh. Kenyon's leg lifted up into the air is just too cute. Just another day at the Middleton House!
What a dream kid toy - I can't wait to show it to Kevin!
I'm thinking "life insurance" on those kids could be a smart investment for you guys.
Why am I not surprised to see your pictures. They do look like they are having fun (typical for middleton kids). I am surprised you haven't already experienced broken bones but it does look like it is in the near future. The price you are willing to pay for to much fun,crazy !!!
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