Adia LOVES horses! She has always been into them and Kyle and I just recently have started encouraging this love of hers. She takes riding lessons at home and has been in a horsemanship/discipleship class for a few months now as well. In fact this Saturday her class is going to a rescue ranch to clean horse poop out of all the stalls... so fun huh? She is actually really excited about it. We used to think this love of horses was just because Papa (Amy's dad) has them but she has finally convinced us this is truly her own desire that she is willing to put a lot of work into. While we were in San Jose this last time we got to see her show off her extremely improved skills and her natural talent with the horses. She was riding all over the property and her posture was amazing as well as her ability and her knowledge of how to care for the animals. I was very impressed (and a bit scared) watching my big baby girl ride a huge horse that you couldn't pay me to ride! She spends morning (6am) until we make her come in at night with the horses while we are there and it cracks me up. She rode around one day for about 7 hours with just a small lunch break. Here are a few pictures of my cowboys and cowgirls... yeah, I don't know how my kids turned out like this either???

It looks like Avery is falling in love with these animals as well and she was so jealous we wouldn't let her out of the round pen without an adult guiding her horse. The big one (KD) in this picture is hers and the little one (Sierra) is KD's baby and that is the horse my dad gave Adia. All the grand kids that show interest get a horse... kind of.

Kenyon likes the horses but more he just enjoys running around in the dirt, climbing the fences and of course going super fast with Papa on the quad.

Adison likes being around the horses but more than the horses she loves Pepper... the little dog.

And we can't have a post that totally excludes the little guy so here is Kaden enjoying the scenery. He sure has a lot to take in all the time! And then when he is exhausted from all the fun he always has loving arms ready to hold him.

Thank you Dad for letting the kids take over your playground while we were in town... I guess all those horses and dirt mean something to me after all! If I have to be around horses you have the perfect setup for me and I am really grateful!
Amy, it was so fun to see all of you this past weekend. It has been so long since I have been in San Jose. It has changed quite a bit. Erin wanted to be able to ride just like Adia. I am glad she got a chance. There probably won't be much of a chance when we are living in Mexico. ~Gail
Wow!It must take a lots of courage to be with the horse though it looks really friendly!Good job,Adia!!You looks heroic!!
Hi Amy,
I have Erin's blog up now and there is a link on my blog so you can let Adia know. There isn't much on it right now but we will add to it as the days go by. ~Gail
Fun post! Cute pics. I can't believe how great Adia has gotten on a horse. I am so proud of her. I have a feeling Avery will be catching up soon.
Such cute kids! It's good you start the kids early on them horses. I don't like horse-riding much. We sure miss you guys!
Every girl's little dream. To have a horse. Well, maybe not every girl's little dream but I think I must have wanted one at some point. Very cute.
That's what it's all about "the grandkids". We love seeing them have fun riding the horses and Adia has definitely been bitten by the bug. We have fun playing around with the horses to keep them kid friendly. They will only get better with time and as the kids grow in their skills. Who knows maybe you'll go riding with Adia soon.
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