Sometimes life is hard. People we love are suffering, friends and family let us down, we physically hurt, we fail and we stress iver that and so much more. But even in the midst of it all God is good and He is faithful and I have really been trying hard to focus on Matthew 11:28-30 lately. I need to learn how to let God truly carry me and be my source of strength. I know overall my life is amazingly blessed and usually that is what I choose to share on this blog. But I don't feel like the real Amy if I don't also share that I have so many struggles and so many weaknesses. There are times when I feel like I just don't measure up and I want so badly to be a better person. Someone who loves more, gives more and thinks less of my own issues and more of the worlds. So as Reformation Day approaches and I think about how to impress on my children's hearts the significance of us having God's word in our homes and hearts and the freedom we have in this country to worship God however we feel led I just thought it would be a good time to share one piece of the Bible that has really been on my heart lately. I'd love to know what part has been on yours!
Matthew 11:28-30
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and
I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Yeah for the words of Jesus in our times of need!
...and in our times of great joy as well!
All things good come from God - Those things that lift us up are heaven sent. All things that discourage us & bring us down is the way Satan tries to win us over. My favorite song that the girls & I used to sing around the piano is "There Will Be Light" - one of the scripture references is taken from 2 Tim 1:7 "God did not give you the spirit of fear" So if you take the 1st step, He'll always be there.....even the smallest amount of light chases away the darkness. I love you.
When the Apostle Peter spoke of Jesus, who had been his friend and teacher, he offered this simple description: “[He] went about doing good.” - Acts 10:38. That's been my mantra these days. I can't control what happens to me but I CAN control how I choose to live my life - by going about doing good.
Eek, I don't have scripture, but do want to say that I'm so glad I found your blog (yay facebook!)... thanks for sharing. I will be sure to keep it in my favorites! :-)
oops, that was on Jason's account... now it's me. :-) Jodi
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