Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 2

Monday, December 14, 2009
Oh My Goodness...
Here are a few pictures of the Big event.

Every day the whole school (K-8 with about 220 students) gathers in this gym for prayer, reciting the verse they are working on and announcements. It was really cute! The principle is the lady in the jacket.

Here she is (unaware of me snapping a shot) in her class with her teachers arm around her. Mrs. Sept is introducing her to her "buddy" - the girl she shares a desk with.

If you are wondering why we are starting her just a week before Christmas break it is because this is a kind of low key week with lots of fun Christmas stuff. We thought is would be best to get to know the setup and the kids now in this atmosphere and then come back after the break and get adjusted to all the academic stuff.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Miracles Really Happen!

Here we are following Brad, Andrew and Beth to Brads house to hang out until the rehearsal dinner.

They had an awesome dinner with family and close friends the night before the wedding.

The Bride and Groom to be!

Kyle and I ready for another night out!

Brad and Kyle... so cute!

Go Lindsey!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
We were all in the backyard having fun when I realized all 5 of the kids are playing on the play structure and I wanted a picture. My kids all (except Kaden) love having their picture taken and think they can pose photos really well. After the slide picture the big girls climb on the fence and ask me to put Adison up there to take a picture with them. Then, of course, Kenyon jumps up and wants Kaden up there too. So we give in and kyle holds Kaden's hand so we can get a picture. Then, because we are kind of weird and Kenyon really could climb the fence when he was barely 2, I thought it would be funny to have a picture of them up there together.
Kaden was only on the fence for less than a minute - there was no training and it was just for a picture my son really wanted. So yes, we are kind of crazy, but not that crazy!
And if you want to know why I am doing this it is because my retarded sister really believed that I was putting him up there to teach him how to walk on a fence and she was annoyed with me... come on Stacey! Are we really that bad??? Wait - please don't answer that!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Our Soccer Star

Oh wait. Did I mention the season was over but she was asked to play on the All Star team?
Well, she was and they played so good and were undefeated!

Way to go Avery!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Kenyon Creativity & A Little Middleton Madness
Today I walk out of my room to find Kenyon sitting on a large dry erase board at the top of the stairs (where you see Kaden asleep - I'll save that story for another day).
As I walk towards him I see him smiling so big as he goes sliding down. He picks up the board which is taller than him (as if it's a snowboard) and with a BIG smile on his face says "mom, can I please not be in trouble since you have never said I can't do this and because it is REALLY FUN!" To that I replied "sure., but if you do it again you will be in big trouble" after all - that was a great reason not to be in trouble right? Plus, it was a very creative idea don't you think?
And here are a few pictures to make you smile or just to help you think we are OUT OF CONTROL!
Notice the extra ropes tied all over our playset... only a few near death experiences with those so far!
And here Kaden is jumping to dad after his lesson on walking the fence - a skill Kenyon posessed at about 2 years of age. You can see Kenyon is about to push his pansy brother who is nervous to jump to dad... "come on Kaden, you are 17 months old - it's time to be a big boy and jump". Which he did with no help from brother... yeah for me and my two adreneline junkies huh? And if you count dad I guess I have 3.
Oh and quickly on a more positive note - Kenyon (4 years) can now read 3 letter words... see he's not that dumb!
Friday, October 16, 2009
My AWESOME New York Story
Day 1 - My flight was awesome... no matter what happened it didn't matter because I had no kids with me. I arrived to my sisters beautiful home in one piece and was ready to party!

And this picture just cracks me up because they look like they belong there - even though they DO NOT!!!

After that Daryn gave me the quick tour of lower Manhattan (the New York stock exchange, 9.11 site and much more) then they took me to a wonderful dinner and then we took 2 very tired boys home where they could go to bed which is just what they all needed - except for me who was still on CA time and got to watch instant Netflix on the big tv (don't know how they do it but it was truly magical) and I finished season 4 of Lost!

And here is his AWESOME teacher who is guiding them on the hay ride!

That night I got to babysit for my hottie sister and her cute hubby who showed up with flowers to whisk her away for a fancy dinner on the Hudson river.

And here I am paying for 12 hours of parking so Stacey and I could head to the city with no kids in tow. SO EXCITING!!!!