Adia started school!!!
I know she is 10 (a few weeks shy of 11) and that she is in 5th grade but this is the first time in her life that I am not her teacher (officially anyway). This decision was such a tough one but Kyle and I feel so strongly this is in her best interest and we are so excited for her. Although if you would have seen me crying as I walked away from her class today I doubt you would have believed my excitement. But my baby girl looked so big and so nervous! I hope she has a great day today and I pray God's biggest blessings on her in this new season of life!
Here are a few pictures of the Big event.
Adia - 5th grade

Every day the whole school (K-8 with about 220 students) gathers in this gym for prayer, reciting the verse they are working on and announcements. It was really cute! The principle is the lady in the jacket.

Here she is (unaware of me snapping a shot) in her class with her teachers arm around her. Mrs. Sept is introducing her to her "buddy" - the girl she shares a desk with.

If you are wondering why we are starting her just a week before Christmas break it is because this is a kind of low key week with lots of fun Christmas stuff. We thought is would be best to get to know the setup and the kids now in this atmosphere and then come back after the break and get adjusted to all the academic stuff.
So glad you posted these pics! I've been praying for her to have a good experienc -(You, too! After all, this is all unknown for you, too.) - when I talked to her this morning & asked her how she felt she said, "Excited!" I know she will do great in this new adventure/chapter in her life because she has a supportive family who loves her. Keep us "posted!"
So fun! She will love it. She looks so grown up! I can't wait to hear how she's doing and how much she likes it!
Wow! What a big decision for you all! I hope she loves it and adjusts well!
Go Adia!!! Always so fearless! So proud of her I know she'll do great! Very excited to hear all about it! Hugs to all!
Yeah Adia!!! I know you'll do great and make lots of friends. Love you!
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