Okay... could he be any cuter?

This weekend is our last weekend with our 3 year old boy Kenyon... on Tuesday he will be 4 and that is so BIG! Here is how Kenyon, Kyle and Adia said farewell to the baby in Kenyon and inducted him into the "Big Boy Club". Kyle thought he would do good but at lunch when he called I could hear the pride in his voice when I asked how Kenyon was doing and he responded by saying... "I think he's a prodigy". He went on to say that Kenyon just took off and could handle the board very well and he seemed pretty shocked. It was a proud daddy day today! I thought it was really cute that when I asked Kenyon if he wanted to stay and snowboard some more or come home and be with me he asked "well, what are you cooking"... I guess that really is how I have won his heart!

This is Adia's 3rd year on the slopes and she is such a "Betty". Kyle fell in love with me partially due to all our time together (when we should have been at school) on the slopes. Those were some of our best times back then. Now, I think he loves seeing his beautiful blonde daughter tear it up out there. She picked up right where she left off from last season and her confidence out there is gaining. We are very grateful she did not inherit the dare devil attitude both of us had and seems to enjoy it without pushing the limits. We know that is most likely not going to be the case with Kenyon but as you can see he is already in a helmet!

BTW... Avery had no desire to join or Kenyon wouldn't have been allowed to start first. Although once they got home and she heard us talking about Kenyon and we looked at the pictures she has decided to give it a try and wants to go too next time. I think I will have to journey out there as well and see this for myself... 3 boarding babies... how can that be?
That's so cute! Ben always talks about taking Olivia out as soon as he can! We'll see! Happy Birthday today Kenyon Boy!!!!! Love ya!
Wow...It is so cool to have fun on the slope!How I wish that there were snow in Taiwan!
Lol. "What are you cooking?" Great priorities!
Adia really does look like a Betty out there on the hill with her blonde hair. What a gorgeous girl!
That's awesome... He looks like a natural.
Looks like fun...I wanna go next time, too! I might be able to keep up with Avery & Kenyon...well, Avery for sure, Kenyon? Maybe not! He's too much of a daredevil like his dad.
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