Beautiful Avery about to leave for a friends tea party...

Crazy Kaden strapped down so Adia could clean the school room...

Just a funny moment of school that I had to capture a shot of... normally this would be absolutely against the rules but I allowed it as long as Adison didn't talk, Adia stayed facing the wall and Avery only looked at Kaden when he reached through her chair to pester her. I was surprised it actually lasted about 15 minutes... Kenyon must have been in the bathroom but you can see he was doing stamping next to Adison.

2 pretty girls wanting me to capture the love...
Nature boy on a nature walk - gathering supplies to build his nest...
Dumb boy - rocking in his brothers swing that he place above the monkey bars. I always try to get a picture before they get in HUGE trouble. I assume that someday this will be really funny to me...

Nature boy on a nature walk - gathering supplies to build his nest...

Dumb boy - rocking in his brothers swing that he place above the monkey bars. I always try to get a picture before they get in HUGE trouble. I assume that someday this will be really funny to me...

Oh and if you only knew how much time I spent looking at this miserable face in this position lately you would either feel sorry for me or think I'm retarded for forcing her to potty train when she so doesn't want to.
What a beautiful family you have. Avery is a carbon copy of her mom. Hope you are all well and happy.
Please tell your kids to stop growing up! I can't believe how big they look and I just saw them in person a couple of months ago! We sure wish we lived closer to you guys!
What a bunch of BEAUTIES!!!!! I miss them terribly! I LOVE that picture of Avery. She looks so grown up, as do they all!
Your kiddos are adorable! :)
I haven't started potty training Macy yet. She's gone a few times in the toilet but we have big plans to make the official transition next month when my mother-in-law gets in town. Not sure if I'm ready!
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