Had a suprise visit from our exchange student, Winnie. She is from Taiwan and stayed with us for a month about 2 years ago. This time we got to visit for about 8 days... so fun! We took her to Shasta while she was here, went to the Shasta Caverns, went Jet Skiing and so much more.

A few days after she left we had a family reuinion with Kyle's parents and siblings. It was lots of fun. We played games, visited museums, went to the zoo, rode some trains, had a talent show, ate lots of food, rode bikes, went swimming, had a talent show and so many other things I don't know how we fit in a week.

Not even a week after that ended my beautiful sister Stacey, her precious boys and my mom came and stayed with us for a few days. It is always a nice treat to see her little family. She watched all of our kids one night and treated us to a really NICE dinner. Then Kyle watched all the kids so Stacey and I could get dinner, see a movie and go shopping with NO KIDS! What a treat!

Avery started soccer again! She hasn't lost her touch and had a great first game with a whole cheering section of her own. It included: her family, g'ma and g'pa middleton, g'ma howell, Aunt Stacey and boys, Aunt Terri and Livi and even Uncle Ty!

I got to reconnect with my Grandma who I haven't seen in about 8 years! It was so nice to see her and for her to meet all my kids.

We took a day trip to Bonfante Gardens in Gilroy (Thank you Papa) to spend the day with my sisters and their kids as well as my parents.

Adia and her BFF, Danielle, got to have sleepovers and spend some good quality time together. Our family LOVES this friendship!

We have had some fun with our newest pet, Ginger.

We have all been busy learning new chores and becoming team players! Go team Middleton!!!!
We started school and so far we are having our best year ever! Kyle helped me create a really tight schedule and we are all enjoying our studies and working really hard! Adia is now in 6th grade, Avery is doing 2nd, Kenyon and Adison are doing preschool and Kaden is still in full Character training mode!

Adison and Kenyon LOVE having their own "Preschool Time".

We took a nice trip to Shasta for our Labor Day weekend. We visited a museum, hung out and went to Mt. Shasta city where the kids all competed in different age groups, watermelon contests, and Kenyon and Avery even won!

Kaden is NOT enjoying some of the things he is learning. The whole world of mom and dad (and siblings) saying "NO" is not a welcome one from him. We have been having a lot of moments that look like this.

And the most recent event since our last blog update was our BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL turning 3!

The kids even performed a "Birthday Dance" they had taught her.
And Kaden LOVED her new baby doll but was very frustrated the milk only came out for the baby and not for him.

Kaden is NOT enjoying some of the things he is learning. The whole world of mom and dad (and siblings) saying "NO" is not a welcome one from him. We have been having a lot of moments that look like this.

Our new schudle gives us plenty of time for "Outside Fun" and the kids seem to be hooked on these Razor scooters right now.

We also make plenty of time for "Free Time" where mom tries really hard to be nice and pretend they don't ALWAYS turn that into "mess time".
Kaden had a small fight with some sick bug and big sister Avery spent lots of time rocking him and helping mom put him to sleep. She is SUCH A GOOD BIG SISTER!

Kaden usually just climbs back down when he goes up on the table but he was tired this time and decided he would just take his nap right on top.

And the most recent event since our last blog update was our BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL turning 3!
I can't believe she has gotten so old. We just spent the day as a family and she had a great time! We played birthday bingo, opened presents, had a balloon hunt with flashlights at night and it was everything our sweet (sometimes) little girl needed to make her special day perfect!

You guys are simply precious, Amy. What fun! Hope to reconnect soon. ~Amber
I can't believe you were able to smush that all into one post! Happy Birthday to Addison who Is MOST DEFINITELY the SWEETEST girl in the world!
So fun...glad you took a moment from your "new tight schedule" to update us. I really like the whole "team middleton" thing to get things done around the house - having "lived" it, I know how important that is! Ty says people don't believe him when he tells them that he's been doing his own laundry since he was 5! LOVE IT!
Cute pictures! Sounds like you guys have been super busy and are having fun with school. Happy Birthday to sweet little Adison! Love you!
First and foremost . . . You are lookin hot hot hot girlfriend! Great pic of you with Leah's baby. The kiddos are toooooooooooo cute. Miss them! Glad to see the schedule is going good. Homeschooling life as it should be. Love it! (LOVE Kenyon doing laundry . . . I love homeschooled children!)
PS - Just read Jenny's post so maybe the laundry at age 4 is a big family thing!? LOVE IT!!!
Don't know how I missed this post! Such a good one with lots of pics! Love the one of Kenyon upside-down in the washing machine. Happy Birthday to Adison!
Thanks for catching us up on the Middleton's crazy life. Glad to hear that school is going well so far. Keep it up Super Mom! All your kids are SO CUTE!!!
Fun to catch up on all your blogs - cute pictures and write-ups and fun to see all your relatives and summer fun pictures, etc. love and miss you, aunt karen
Love the post update! Lots of cute pictures and hey, you are looking goooood!!! Keep up the good work it's paying off. Hey you better keep check on Kenyon, it looks like chances are he might be included in the wash or possibly put Kaden in. Adison looks as cute as ever and you just do to much for me to keep up with. Looking forward to having the girls soon. Love all of you!
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