Me and my girl meant for each other, sent for each other and liking it so!
Me and my girl meant for each other, sent for each other and liking it so!
And we'll have LOVE, laughter, we'll be happy ever after
- ME and MY GIRL!!!!!

(sung every day by Amy and Adia from when she could talk till she was too cool)
This little slice of heaven turned 11 on Wednesday. 

Here is a glimpse into her life...
Adia Paige Howell was born January 6th at 8:06 in San Jose
She was 7lbs 9 oz and 19 1/2 inches long
She was perfect and the most beautiful baby I had ever seen!
Thankfully my sister went against my will and called Kyle to come see his new daughter.
This picture brings back some tough stuff for us but over all it is a reminder that God is so good!
Here I am, at 18 taking my daughter home from the hospital. This was such an overwhelming day. Full of joy, full of fear. I was too imature at the time that realize that although I didn't know what I was doing, God did and Adia was his daughter whom He loved and would take care of. He has been beyond gracious to us in redeeming our story and using Adia and her dad and my love for her to draw us closer to Him!

Here is my dad with Adia on Shasta Lake. I will never be able to thank him enough for the amazing role he has had in her life. I know all the love and energy he has given her has been a hugely sacrificial thing for him and I am so grateful the he loved her enough to always put her first. Adia has such a hugely special place in her heart for Papa and I am so happy she has him.

Here she is on her 1st birthday. This party was a very significant day for her because it was the first time we had both Kyle and my family together in honor of her. When I first had Adia it was very hard for me to share her with Kyle's family. By her first birthday they had proven they deserved (although they shouldn't have had to) they belonged there just as much as anyone in my family.

It is also the day I gave Kyle a letter telling him I could finally accept that Adia was "our" daughter and that I was actually glad he was her dad and thankful for how much he had loved her and been patient with me. Adia doesn't know all the details of the story now (she knows most) but someday she will and she will be in awe of her dad and how much he has always loved her and was there for her even when her mom made it hard.

Here is my little baby girl at Play 'N' Learn Preschool (my families school) looking as cute as ever. I think she is about 18 months in this picture. She always looked so spunky and fun. My parents school used to only have potty trained kids and up but when Adia was little they decided to open a toddler center so I could work and she could still be with me. It was such a fun time starting that program with her.

Here is our little messy girl celebrating her 2nd birthday. The past year had been full of so many miracles. God had somehow drawn Kyle's heart to Himself, then to me and we were now planning our wedding and living what seemed like a dream. Adia was really going to have her parents together forever.

And here she is stealing the show at our wedding. She walked down the aisle and gave her dad a kiss leaving not a dry eye in the room. Seriously God worked out so many details for us and our wedding was such a beautiful celebration of His love for us as well as our love for each other.

Skipping a couple years now here is Adia preparing to meet her 1st little sister. She had no idea that her world of EVERYTHING revolving around her for so long was about to have a huge jolt put in it.

So I could keep going with the details of this little girl growing up and how faithful God has been to her through it all but I think I will stop here. My baby isn't looking so baby anymore but she she still brings many a tears to my eyes when I think about the huge gift she is to me.
Here is my beautiful, 11 year old, Adia Paige Middleton!

Oh and if you are wondering what she got for her birthday it is no suprise that all she wanted was a trip to San Jose to be with her Papa, her best buddy and constant provider of entertainment and love. Here she is with him way back in the begining of him introducing her to one of her greatest loves - horses!

Happy Birthday Adia! Hope you had a great day!
I LOVE this girl!!! Hope your Birthday was Magical!!
What wonderful memories that triggered of our spunky, sweet, & cute little grandaughter. Adia has and always will hold a special place in her papa's heart and grandma's. She has brought so many smiles,laughter and love into our lives theses past 11 years. We love her sooooooooooo much. "Happy Birthday" to you !
Happy Birthday girl! Love, Aunt Rochelle
So happy to have "A1" as our #1 grandchild, she has brought joy to all of our lives.
Happy Birthday Adia. You have had quite an adventurous life already! You have a beautiful family and I'm so glad you came along to bring it all together. Love you.
I hope she had a great birthday! You are such a great mom! I remember the daddy daughter wedding kiss!! What a great day for your family!
I remember her birth day so well along with her 1st birthday! I can't believe she's 11 now! Happy Birthday Asia!
What an amazing little/big girl. She made me a granpa. The beginning of an amazing phaze in my life. Love you Bday girl.
Wow! What a beautiful girl! I'm so lucky to be her aunt :) Happy birthday Adia!
Adia is such an incredible young lady and I am so super proud to be her Aunt! I LOVE YOU ADIA! (She is lucky to have been blessed with two awesome parents!)
What a beautiful story! My eyes are now sufficiently moistened for the day...
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