Sunday Avery had her 1st ever piano recital and she did GREAT! Her teacher likes to plan them at homes for the elderly so the students learn to bless others with their gifts and what a blessing it was! It was kind of an intimidating crowd but when Avery stood up to introduce herself she spoke loud and clear and I couldn't have been more proud of her.

The audience

You will notice in the picture below I numbered 2 of the ladies. Here is why.... when the first boy went up to announce himself lady #1 was shaking her program and it was making a crinkling sound. Lady #2 told the boy to stop then tells #1 "You need to stop doing that. You are making too much noise and we can't hear him. Stop doing it!" #2 then starts shaking her paper more loudly while the boy then proceeds to play his music. #2 is getting really frustrated and trying to stop the boy again. Finally a nurse sat between them and took #1's program from her. Of course #1 wouldn't be defeated so she started knocking her fists on the table. It was so funny! The nurse had to sit between them the rest of the time and kept stoping #1 from her noisy ideas.

I love that she sat like such a lady while playing!
She played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
& Old McDonald Had a Farm.

And here she is with her amazing teacher whom we are so blessed to have found! She usually does lessons out of her home but because of my large family she has come to our home weekly.

Side note...
I didn't just tear up when she was playing... I kind of was totally crying and was very embarassed. I am getting really sick of my unability to control that. I thought with Adia maybe all the tears were because she was my first and I knew I would do better the second time around - but I was so wrong. If anything I am worse as I realize how quickly these times will pass. I know I have way too much anxiety as a mom. But this is the most important job ever and I am so ill-equiped to do it! My latest goal with God is to learn to trust Him more and believe His word when it says how he is made known more through our weaknesses than our strengths. Also I have to trust that he cares more about the futures of my children than I do and as long as Kyle and I continue to seek Him as we train these kids up God will guide our paths and make up for our many many weaknesses while raising kids. This whole motherhood journey brings so much joy but also lately I am sad to admit it brings so much anxiety and worry. You should have seen me at Adia's tournament this weekend. I'm starting to not even enjoy watching. I hate seeing her insecurities out there on the court. Honestly my stomach hurts watching her play and I cannot stand not being able to help her through mistakes anymore and having to watch her learn hard lessons. Even when she does something good I see her take a deep breath and it breaks my heart. I know she has some of my insecurities and I feel like I failed her for not coaching her past them. Why didn't anyone warn me how tough this job is! Anyway, this might not have made too much sense but I needed to vent.
That's awesome that her teacher holds the recitals there. I bet they get a kick out of seeing so many little ones. How special. Way to go Avery!
How fun for the elderly! I bet they loved that! I know what you mean Amy, being a mom doesn't ever get any easier, just changes. The most important thing is that you love them unconditionally and they KNOW it. You already do that so you're good!
Way to go Avery! And you are so not alone. Me and just about every single one of my friends seems to feel that same anxiety/worry. It is just part of the job. I don't know about you but it makes me feel much better knowing that I'm not the only one who feels that way. I find a lot of strength and comfort in that!
Avery looks so cute playing the piano! I love the old lady story too, thanks for sharing that one! Love you and all your tears. :)
I'll bet she stole the show - would have loved to have been there! It's funny that you are so emotional these days - remember when you were uncomfortable with my tears? I think you get it now...we worry about our children because what they do truly affects their lives & we want them to do & be better than we were because we love them more than words can express. They know you love them & will keep you all going. :)
She is looking so grown up.Piano recitals are so amazing to see our little ones so much better than we are. Kudo's to parents who help their kids be better than they are. Its a good legacy, keep it up.
the above Paul is me.
What a cute girl and hilarious old women! I like that the concert is at a nursing home. Such an awesome act of service.
Avery is so grown up. She is so beautiful. That's so cool that they play for the elderly. We always played for family. Super cute idea.
It always takes those special moments to realize they are passing so quickly and I still have babies! I'm glad you could vent, but also to remind yourself to take in the little things.
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