Have I ever told you that Kyle is truly my HERO!
He has the hugest heart and I love that about him! Right now he is leading a group from our church down to Sao Paulo, Brazil where they will meet up with our church families ministry partners, Restoration Ministries, and take a large group of kids from the slums out to a rural area for a weekend getaway (and do a mini vbs program), then during the week they are going to teach some great lessons to kids in different neighborhoods, visit peoples homes who need prayer and to end they are taking the ministry leaders (who are much overworked) to a beach retreat and do some leadership building as well as teachings on spiritual disciplines and things of that nature.
This year the trip has been especially hard for us timing wise and Kyle really didn't want to go. He didn't feel like it would be good for his newly moved business or our family. But after much prayer and discusion he/we (and Stpeh) knew God would handle the details and he had to go (or the trip wouldn't happen). It's been cute to hear him keep asking me to please show Kaden his picture while he's gone (as if he might forget him). He seemed a bit stressed leading up to it and has encountered a few difficulties on the way (including his wife injuring her back badly and his baby boy injuring his face - just what he needed was trip to the ER the night before he leaves - next post will update you on that) but he never wavers and I love that. I know this team is going to be a HUGE blessing to the ministry and I am so proud of Kyle and all of them for doing this. This is the first year he isn't the only guy on the trip and actually there are moy boys than girls. Kyle seemed to feel it was a very strong goup and they each bring something really huge to offer the children and staff.
Here is a video from his last trip... skip about a minute or two and you will see more of what they do. The begining is a church service and there is a lot of them singing and then it's a game they played where they had to eat a cracker and the first to whistle wins!
And I thought I would share a few pictures of our first missions trip - to Honduras. This was such an awesome trip and where God really opened our eyes for the first time to the reality of the world we live in. I'm so grateful for opportunities like this and I can't wait to see what else God brings our way! Although I can get a bit scared. :) And even though I have only been on one of these with Kyle I feel like I learn so much just by processing with him each time he returns.

Where is little Adia?
Please keep Kyle and the whole team in your prayers.
Also me and the kids... we won't be seeing him for another 15 days!
it's so fun to see my first best friend and sometimes tormentor has turned into such a great man. i hope he has a great time and that you survive!
He is my Hero too.
Wow. You guys are awesome. What a cool post. Thanks for sharing
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