We started by making Gingerbread houses. But the girls were WAY more interested in chatting with each other rather than decorating.
Adia is giving the gift of being more patient with her siblings.
Avery wanted to give the gift of trying to control her temper.
I told Him I Would spend more time with Him in prayer and in the Word.
Some of her friends shared they would be nicer to their siblings.
Adison said she would give Jesus the cake. Obviously she didn't get it - as usual!
Of course we had to take some silly photos.
These are Adia's BEST FRIENDS! I am so thankful to God for giving her such godly girlfriends. They are truly SO SWEET and SUCH GIFTS in her life. I love that they are getting older and girlie yet they still have a blast and act super goofy! It's funny sometimes she gets in trouble and I know I should take away the privelage of hanging out with friends but I LOVE the influence they have on her and the relationships they are building so I rarely stop a get together.
Avery had a fun night with her friends too but it's hard to be the little sister and ALL your friends think your older sister is really cool and try to hang out with her all night. This can be really hard for her. I hate it. But one of her friends is one of Adia's BFF's little sister so she never leaves Avery - she gets that they aren't so cool after all!
Over all it was a great night, with great friends and I think Jesus must have smiled looking down at all these young ladies who love each other well and Love Him a bunch too.
Happy Birthday Jesus!
Sweet. Good (and faith-based) friends can be hard to come by. I'm so happy your girls have them.
Yay for wholesome girl time!
Everyone needs a little girl time, especially with the likes of a bunch of "Danielles" (She's the only one of these girls that I really know & if the rest are anything like her, your A's are in great company!) What can we do to slow them down from growing up???
I don't get the girl time thing. But then I guess I wouldn't. Glad they have good friends. Makes an old man worry less.
you are such a fun mom! Love it
The girls looked like they had so much fun. Sophia was so happy you invited her over.
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