After Jesus conquered death, I love that he spent some special time with his followers, before going back home with his Father, where He belongs, seated at the right hand of God. It makes me feel so loved that after all that pain and sorrow, He was still willing to be with us. He knew they/we still needed their/our hands held a bit and He is always so willing to do that. I feel so loved and had to honor Christ's overwhelming love for us with my gang Thursday night. We had a very special time and the sky couldn't have been more beautiful. We found the highest hill near our home and we read the story in Acts 1. We talked about the power to witness, that Jesus gives us, we talked about how differently we might live if we knew He would be back this week, and we talked about people getting ready because Jesus is coming! It was wonderful and a new tradition for sure!
Kyle, getting ready to have a blast!
Here is Avery's. She said it is her praying to Jesus while she waits for Him to come back and looks up for Him. She also told me that if we knew for sure He was coming back tomorrow she would call every phone number she could think of and beg people to please believe in him. It was cute!
Happy Ascension Day!
(some people choose to celebrate it on Sunday even though it is technically 40 days after the Resurrection)
Next is Pentecost... still dreaming up a beautiful way to celebrate that HUGE gift we were given.
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