This Advent season our family enjoyed a trip through the Bible and it's key events that led up to our promised Messiah! Each morning (that we could) a child would open in prayer, we would read a part of God's Big Story (as we like to call it around here) and the kids would all color a little image to remind us of that days reading, we would sing O Come O Come Emmanuel and then usually the dad or I would close us in prayer. My mom is in the process of making me a cute Jesse Tree but even when I have it we might keep up the coloring.
It was a precious time!.
Christmas Eve we did our usual church service at Oak Hills and then came home for a Birthday party for Jesus. Because I had a fussing baby on me I was not able to get as many pictures as I would have liked. We had a great time playing birthday party games, singing happy birthday and ending the evening by sharing about why we have chosen to give the best gift ever - the gift of our heart to our King.
Here are just a couple from Christmas Eve
The party table
Party games
In case you are wondering - Kyle won!
Party Food
Party pooper -
Kaden was so tired he couldn't make it around to hear why and how everyone is giving their hearts to Jesus.

And then it was Christmas morning and we tried our best to keep it slow and fun. The kids have such a good attitude about waiting patiently for gifts. This sis Avery waiting for everyone to get up so we can finish off the Advent book (that same one we have been doing since Adia was 2).
Usually I make omelets on Christmas morning but in an effort to simplify I tried this egg dish I was able to prep the night before and then just add a few things and throw in the oven on Christmas - so yummy!
And finally we dug into the stockings. For our sibling exchange each of the kids draws one sibling they will buy a gift for and one sibling they will get to fill the stocking for. We really like how this has turned out!
After breakfast, Advent and stockings we headed out to church. It was nice that we were able to wear our Christmas Pajamas - made the whole getting ready part much nicer! You will notice the boys who end up always being dirty wore junky pajamas to bed and I laid the cuter ones out for church... I felt like I was cheating.
Group shot before church
I LOVED being with my church family on Christmas! It was so fun and felt so intimate. Half the people came in pajamas, the kids sat on the floor in front, making messes and drinking hot chocolate and yet we still felt a real sense of worship as we gathered together to celebrate the birth of our Savior!
When we got home from church we each opened one gift before Grandpa and Grandma and Uncle Ty and Aunt Christie came over. We had got the older 3 kids new bikes and wanted them to get to enjoy them while the sun was still out. I have more bike pictures to come when I show our first family bike ride!
And of course we found time to practice a little volleyball - yes this weird contraption was build by my wonderful hubby who LOVES having a little volleyball star!
Then finally everyone showed up and we were able to show off our new bikes and open the rest of the presents. We love being local and getting to have the grandparents join us for Christmas most years. The kids really love an audience while they open the gifts and friends to play with them right away. Here are some random pics of the rest of the evening
Grandma and Grandpa playing our new Just Dance game - Grandma WORKED IT!
and so did Uncle Ty I might add!
Since Ty and Christie were going to be in our home we got them a little gift too.
Not sure why Christie wouldn't open it and looked so nervous... it's not like I would give her lingerie in front of her in-laws and all my kids - oh wait... maybe i would! :)
Kenyon playing tag with Grandpa Paul - thank you cousin Holyoak for the fun game!
Adison with her gold gift... she had just gotten a new bike for her birthday a few months before.
I feel like this didn't close off well but oh well! The celebrations were full of JOY and awe over what an awesome God we have to send his only son for us! I guess I like that this doesn't end well since Christmas isn't something that really ends...
Fun Christmas! I know I say it every time but they are all getting SO big! Love those kiddos.
Yeah! Thanks for the update! You guys always have so many fun traditions for Christmas. Miss you guys.
Glad to be a part of it. Thanks. Really enjoyed it
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