Kyle decided to teach Avery to ride her bike with no training wheels. Avery was a bit nervous and when she decided she wanted a break Kenyon said he wanted to try. It was so funny because he literally just took off riding. There was no teaching! He looks so cute on the bike and within a minute he already was holding his feet out to the side saying "look at my tricks mom" then he said "this is how dad rides" and stood up. Obviously seeing her little brother was just the motivation Avery needed and now I have three kids that can ride bikes! Wow... they really are getting big! Oh it was so funny too because Kenyon took a hard fall soon after he started and got a bloody nose. When Kyle grabed him to help stop the bleeding he starts crying "but I want to ride my bike". What a difference this experience was then the hours it took with our Drama Queen (Adia) when we taught her to ride at age 5! So much easier with boys!!!
This is the ugly bike Avery picked out for her birthday. She had a barbie bike picked out then when she started looking at this Kenyon said "you can't get that bike, it's for boys" and of course that is all she needed to make her mind up that this bike was the one. I was so annoyed! The big thing sticking up is just a gimmick for old guys who don't want to run leaning over while they teach the kids to ride. I'm so happy we had to return the bike already and we found her a nice blue and white bike with sharks on it. So much better!

Adia being the bike pro that she is decided she would practice on her heelies. She has had these for a while but her mean mom won't let her wear them anywhere so she hasn't had a lot of time to learn all the cool tricks just yet.
And here is our little trouble maker enjoying the show! Her crazy hair is due to the fact she just got up from a nap. I swear it looked cute when I did it.

Excuse me!? Isn't he only 3? That has got to be a record! I'm so glad you are finally feeling better...I've missed your posts... (No pressure, though!) I love all the pics, too.
Wow, you have got to feel old. hahaha! Adison looks adorable in that picture. I love when Macy wakes up with messy hair from a nap.
So fun! We will be getting Cori one for her Birthday. She's gonna love it. It will be funny cause when we were in the store, she could not figure out the pedals. The kids are all grown up! I still can't believe you have 5!
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