T I never wanted to be a cheerleader until now. I guess I finally have something so worth routing for. Go T Go!!!! I sure love you T. I'm so happy to be your Aunt and I only wish I could be with you everyday. I love your hugs and your smiles and I can never get enough. Thank you for teaching us grown ups how to be strong and how to trust God even when things get tough. I've learned so much from you and I praise God that he choose me to be your Aunt... how did I get so lucky?
Here is T's amazing mom Allison with her boys. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. You would be so taken back to hear her faith in God through all she has been through. May God bless you Allison and may His peace that surpasses all understanding pour over you in this time. I'm so proud of you and so thankful to be your sister. Thank you for 6 wonderful nieces and nephews. Also thank you for helping me embrace motherhood to the fullest!
And last but not least is a picture of my big brother and his precious girls. Jr. I love you and know that God is in this. Thank you for being such an amazing father to these kids and for leading them and loving them so well. I look forward to hugging you and being with your family soon. I pray God will hold you up as you try to be strong for your family and that you will also be overwhelmed by the Love of Christ at this time. Know that I love you and my heart is with you every minute of every day.
The Howell Family consist of Jr (old), Allison (not as old), Hailey (almost 13!), Adrian III (11), T (9), Madaline (6), Clara (5) and Presley (21 months). They truly are an amazing family!
Aunt Stacey agrees with everything Aunt Amy said! Thanks for posting this Amy. Love, Stacey
Great pix! What a beautiful family! Our prayers are with them & all of you at this difficult time.
we'll keep him in our prayers.
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