Getting ready for the day... livin it up!

Adia at the top of the summit... pretty girl - pretty view

I was really worried about the timing due to the fact that I am teaching a science class in my home on Thursdays now and the first class was going to be the day after we returned but thankfully the lodge had a nice kid area and I got my whole 3 hour class planned out while the kids had a good time playing around.

then I got a bit more work done while they took naps.. Kaden is around the corner in a stroller.

The second day there I wasn't up for hanging out in the lodge while my hubby played so we let the kids swim. They had so much fun and daddy taught them how to join the "Polar Bear Club Jr." while Kaden kept busy exploring (and I kept busy not letting him get in the pool).

Sometimes it is so hard to keep up the whole tough guy reputation!
Adison didn't surprise us by having no interest in joining the club. But she did think it was really cool that she was "moking".
The day after we returned I had a wonderful time teaching about animal classification and binomial nomenclature - 2 things I knew nothing about before our little trip. The class is a Zoology class and that was the first chapter. Here is my front room set up for class, my fun students and our nature walk where we looked for all sorts of animals to draw in our field guides. SO FUN! 

Okay, snow is fun but swimming and snow together looks pretty painful on Kenyon. Everybody looks like they had a great time.
What a beautiful day you found in Squaw Valley! Such blue skies...but I'm just not diggin the whole "snow tan" the kids are working on...BRRRRRR!
Busy Bees! Tahoe is so beautiful. I love the memories you guys are making. Such a cute family!
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