Valentine's Day!
We woke up to snow - how fun is that! I tried to wake up all the kids and get them ready early so I get a group shot in it but of course Adison and Avery were feeling sick and that just didn't happen. Here are a few shots of the snow we had. Adia was the only one who seemed to care.

I organized a homeschool party for the local homeschoolers and even though in the last 2 days I had about 30 more kiddos RSVP, Avery woke up super sick the day of and I was feeling the begining of a sinus infection that morning it seems the party went okay and everyone had a pretty good time - except Avery who slept on this little Dora couch all morning.

Grandma Jenny's Birthday!
In our family it is a real honor to make someones birthday cake. My mom spent 30 years making every cake for each of her kids and grand kids and just lately has slowed down (due to old age I think - love you mom!) but she didn't slow down until she passed on the gift to someone and my little Adia is the lucky new baker. Grandpa Paul gave her the honor of making G'ma Jenny's cake and in the little time we had I think she did a great job (with a bit of help from mom only due to time).

The big cake says Happy Birthday Grandma and it is surrounded by a cupcake for each grandkid that LOVES HER SO MUCH! The little flags say "Adia loves you" "Trevor loves you" and so on until she had one for each cousin. The tiny cupcakes are for the babies under a year. And Leah - I am so sorry but I left Keira and Baby B.'s cupcakes at home - we did not forget you and Grandma was quick to realize we messed up. Please don't tell them.

Presidents Day!
We were so blessed to have some family over to celebrate President's day with us and Grandma Jenny taught us some wonderful and very catchy tunes to learn "What President is on the Penny" and "What President is on the Dollar". Kenyon impressed her with his knowledge of who the 1st, 16th and current president's are. He is turning out to be pretty smart - kind of! 

Then we did some fun crafts... log cabins like Lincoln's made out of pretzel sticks and patriotic penny magnets. So fun and so glad Macy, Aunt Nicole, Aunt Jill, Penny and G'ma Jenny were able to join us! Thanks guys!

You are the Party Queen & I am one of your loyal subjects...PARTY ON!
We'll forgive you this time :) But we are sad we missed the festivities. It looks like it was super fun. You are the Master of Party-Planning.
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