April 21st we celebrated 2 of our kids birthdays. Avery turned 6 and Kaden turned 1. Thank you to all of our friends and family who came out and celebrated the wonderful gifts both of them are to us. This is a long post but I'm not apologizing for them anymore - you all know I like to talk and this is kind of the same thing.
Kaden John - 1

Family: Mom is your favorite but dad takes a close second. Adia takes such good care of you even though you are so strong now that changing your diaper has turned into a big task for her. Avery is super good to you but forgets you are only 1. Kenyon already influences you and that scares us. It's already obvious you think he is cool! Adison is a bully and you get the raw end of that quite often. She thinks she loves you but more often she just wants to push you around a bit.
Favorites: Animals, balls, and mostly you LOVE to roam free
Walking: You stunned the world by taking steps at 6 1/2 months and fully walking at 7. You are a pro now and are beginning to be a good climber and problem solver which for me is a BIG PROBLEM.
Talking: Mom, Adia (a-ya) and dad are your most frequently used words. You have also said Avery (a-vee), Kaden, Sarah and ball a few times. Other than that you use your good old screams, cries and whines to get what you want.
Personality: You are very independent and although you scared me that you would never be sweet lately you have begun to give me lots of love and I LOVE it!
Avery Taylor - 6

What is your favorite food? "brocolli and cherries because they are really healthy"
What is your favorite animal? "Ummm... cheetah, horse and cat"
What is your favorite sport? "Soccer and basketball"
Do you already know who God has picked for you to marry? "Well, Adia said I should marry Ian but Trevor said I should marry Ethan."
Well, what do you think? "I'm not sure yet"
What is your favorite thing to do? "Kiss my mom and dad and jump rope and love my mom and dad also"
How smart are you? "Pretty smart like super duper smart"
Do you like school? "I like doing Kindergarten book 2 and my 1st grade books and I liked doing school with Grandma"
What is your favorite subject in school? "art class"
What is your favorite book? "The Dr. Seuss book Grandpa Paul always reads me"
Where is your favorite place? "To Grandma's house because she has a pool"
What do you want to be when you grow up? "An artist or a nurse"
What do you know about God? "That he created the heavens and the earth and this whole wonderful world."
What does God think about you? "I'm great"
Tell me about your mom - "She is so pretty and sweet"
What do you like to do with dad? "Jump rope"
Tell me about Adia - "I like her because she is my sister and God created her"
What do you like to do with Kenyon? "Shoot rubber bands at Adia"
Tell me about Adison - "I like to play with her because she is nice and is careful with my ponies even though she already broke one of the legs off"
What do you think about Kaden? "He is so cute and cuddly"
Party Pictures
My wonderful friend made the cupcakes and toppers for me and as you can see they turned out AWESOME!
Ready to party!
Kaden really wanted to pinch the candle not blow the candle.
Kyle and I with our 2 birthday babies.
Avery kept posing and asking me to take pictures of her.
This is the first time I have seen him push himself down a slide.
Adison enjoying the treats.
Kaden and his favorite toy.
Kaden taught cousin Carson to pose.
Avery's cartwheel picture is hilarious. Happy Birthday to the kiddos. I am so bad at birthdays this year. Sorry guys! I hope to get back on the wagon next year. Love you!
happy birthday to you and your cute kiddies. april is a busy month, huh? looks like a fun celebration!
How cute are those cupcakes! Happy Birthday to the kids! They are so grown up. Still hoping that someday we will be there to celebrate with you guys!
Aaaah . . . all the pictures are soo cute!!! Makes me miss you guys all the more. Loved all Avery's answers (esp. the one about Adison). Can't believe how old Adison and Kaden are looking. Precious!!!
FUN, FUN, FUN! And of course we missed ALL of it! Looks like you managed to celebrate royally without us anyway...LOVE all the pix - esp. Ty trying to wear Kenyon down & Avery's cartwheel! Great cupcakes, too...we all need friends like that! :)
First, I hope it wasn't OUR Trevor telling Avery to marry OUR Ethan!
Second, I love that Avery likes Kenyon because they get to shoot rubber bands at Adia. Hilarious.
And Third, Kaden looks SOOOO much like Kenyon in the picture of him playing with the ball!
They are all getting so big and BEAUTIFUL! Give them kisses for me!
Congratulations!It is so fun to learn what Kaden and Avery likes!! SO Sweet!! :)
Unfortunately cousin Trevor is the one encouraging the wedding with cousin Ethan.
Happy Happy Days ahead with the two birthday kids. Kaden is growing and moving way to fast and Avery, what can I say she is so sweet and I love doing homework with her too. I love all my time with her, she doesn't scare me (as much) or overwhelm me like a couple of her little male gendered siblings love to do. I hope some day they will out grow that and realize Grandma is getting to old for such frights. Love all the pictures .. looks like you all had too much fun.
Looks like quite the celebration. I love the cupcakes! You have some of the cutest kids ever!
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