So here is a glimpse into what we did...
On Saturday Grandma Jenny joined us on uor trip to the Folsom Convalescent Home to help put on a Mother's Day Tea for the residents. We had worked very hard making the tissue flower arrangements for each of them and we even got to deliver them to the rooms with people who were not up to attending the party. It was a lot of work but we are so glad we did it considering the joy it brought to some of their faces. These ladies deserve so much more than we could ever do for them. It brings tears to my eyes every time I go there and see how "forgotten" they seem to be. THANK YOU so much to Grandma, Ashley, Danielle, Linda, Stephenie, Jovie and Cheryll for joining us for that special day. It was the highlight of my weekend!

Cute story: We had planned on "entertaining" the guests for about 15 minutes worth of singing and the lady who heads the event asked us to keep going for another 25 minutes after that. So the kids were amazing and just kept singing songs. At one point Kenyon gets up and says "I've got one" and he goes and stands on the piano bench and sings a cute turtle song ending with pretend hiccups that everyone seemed to love. Well, he must have loved the attention because about 5 minutes later he says he wants to do another and total impromptu he writes his own song to me and sings to an unknown tune "I love my mom and I love to kiss her everyday" then jumps down and runs to me with a hug and kiss and says "that was for Mother's Day".

On Sunday I thought it would be nice to go to Tahoe (to escape the heat) and take the kids on a nice walk or something outdoorsy (I like that word). Well, I think I forgot that I HATE being outside in real nature (as opposed to landscaped beauty) and although I got tons of great pictures and the kids had a great time I left this event in tears and swearing to never go outside again. Kyle wasn't very happy with me either and had a few choice words to describe how out of control he thinks I am. I honestly think he thinks I'm the only person on earth who isn't into going on long walks in the dirt while bugs jump all over me. Thankfully he got over it quickly. I so badly wish I liked that stuff and I keep trying thinking someday I will change but it's not working. So for the record - I do not like bugs, I do not like dirt and I do not like heat!!!! And I HATE anything that combines the 3 of those things!

After my traumatic experience in the forest we came home and blew up the kiddie pool and while the little kids played in the water Kyle, Adia and I (yes, I) finished my garden. Not a fun thing but I needed to get it done and was SO glad Kyle was willing to help me because although I want my kids to learn to garden and appreciate all things natural it's a far stretch for me and being in the garden area too long gives me the creeps. I should never have taught the kids about insects this year - all it did is freak me out all the more about nature!

This is from a couple weeks ago when Kyle brought in the dirt for the beds... Adison LOVED helping daddy and it was SO CUTE watching them work so hard together. Everytime Adison walked by she would say "I'm making you your garden mom"... ahhhh.

And to finish off the weekend Kaden stayed up late and was in the best mood ever! He was so silly and so fun. Kyle, Adia, Avery and I seriously laughed at him for an hour straight.

And that's it... I'm so glad I'm a mom and so grateful that Kyle is the father of my kiddos (and so lovingly puts up with me). I feel BLESSED for sure!
The Garden looks great! Cant wait to get mine going. Looks like you had a busy weekend. What a great service to do with the kids for Mother's Day both the visit to the home and the Nature Walk! Hope you had a great day!
Sweet garden! I hope to have a garden someday when I'm a home owner. Just so you know, you're not the ONLY person on this earth that hates nature walks.... I too am not a fan of those things although I can take a little heat. :)
Oh, T-dolly, & Troop Beverly Hills..."I am NOT a wilderness girl!" Kuddos for trying & hang in there & don't give up. You don't want to miss all the "dirty" fun your kids are gonna have through the years. Thanks for lunch & thanks for including me in your service project - great fun!
What a great thing to remember those forgotten mother's. I am sure Kenyon must have stole their hearts with his impromtu song. I do not understand what has happened to you because I remember Amy, the little girl that I raised loved the outdoors, dirt biking, bonfires, tearing down the old woodpecker house, holding the king snake dad caught in the mountains and she got plenty dirty. Where did she go???? I am glad you managed to find some good on your special Mother's DAy. I Love You Anyway.
That is such a funny and cute story about Kenyon!
What a neat mother's day activity. The garden looks great. Wish I was around more to have my own :) Someday. Hope that the kids appreciate it because we didn't really do much gardening growing up - mostly yard work. I hate bugs too, by the way, and it gets worse as I get older. You're not as weird as you think.
precious precious family (and a garden too?? - you are amazing)
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