This precious little baby turned 7 last week!

As usual trying to write my feelings as of now is too much emotionally so I will steal from her journal. Below was written with love on April 21, 200
Avery Taylor
A piece of heaven, a glimpse of God's love,
a beautiful daughter sent to me from above!
Watching you develop this 1st year of your life
has been so rewarding & exciting to see!
Personality plus is what you are. Your a bundle of joy
and the definition of the phrase "ball of energy".
You started crawling way too soon
& walked before the books say you should.
Everything so far has been at high speed
just like we should have known that it would.
I've watched you get mad so many times
& bang your sweet head on the floor.
You cry every time daddy leaves to go to work
Oh, the sadness you feel over a closed door!
Those 2 front teeth that stick out of your gums
& that wonderful pucker face I just adore.
The way you bounce on your sisters bed
& that squill you release as a sign of pure joy!
I've enjoyed watching you climb on everything
even though all you hear me say is "Avery no".
The stairs just outside and the stool in the kitchen
even the ladder to Adia's bed that finally had to go.
Those are some of the things I enjoyed seeing this year
and why I'm so entertained by the challenge of you.
You've brought so me so much joy and are such a precious gift
I can't to see what Avery my 1 year old will learn to do!
Happy Birthday Sweet Girl!
Mommy loves you more than you know!
Here are a few pictures of the Avery I was writing about...
at birth...
Meeting big sister...
Ready to go home...
Hanging out with dad...
Climbing on her favorite piece of furniture...
Time sure flies! Here she is with her 1st baby brother!
Kyle looks like a baby himself in these. Happy Birthday 7 year old!
7! Holy cow! Happy Birthday Avery! She used to love me when she was a baby. She would always back up into me and want me to read her a book. Now, when I think about it, it seems like she was physically too little to do that!
Aaah, what a precious girl you have! Happy belated birthday to Avery! (Love the pic of her and baby Kenyon)
When exactly did this baby girl grow up? She is still sweet & beautiful - Happy Birthday Avery!
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