Kaden John is 2!
(Oh no!)

Talking - not too much. he can say a bit but chooses to keep his words to himself.
Favorite Activities - his all time favorite is riding his razor followed by a close second which is swinging. Whenever we go anywhere with his scooter he draws a crowd by how good at it he is. In fact last weekend some man we don't know was snapping pictures of him on the razor and later came up and quized me about him.
Potty Training - We began it a bit ago due to the fact that Kaden takes off his own poopy diapers at times and even tries to flush them but we quickly learned it is more work than I am willing to give it right now.
Favorite People - He is such a mommies boy right now and I LOVE it! He thinks his brother is the funniest person ever. He adores his dad, Adia and Avery and if I'm not there will let any of them rock him to sleep or kiss his wounds. And as for him and Adison. Well he doesn't enjoy her constant mothering but they are the best of buddies a bit of the time! :)
Foods: Kaden is proving to be a spoiled little baby and can be very picky at times. Peanut butter trails are all over my house right now becasuse of his obsession with it. Other than that pasta, sugar anything, cheese, cereal and pizza seem to be his favorites!
Sleeping: Well he has been in a big boy bed for some time now. He takes his naps and goes to bed well but about 99% of the time he ends up cuddling with mom by 3am. I don't have the heart to send him back because he is my last baby and he's the last one I get to do this with.
Here he is with his favorite bday gift this year!
I'm including this picture because it shows him outside where he is happiest, you can see his razor on the edge of the lawn and his favorite little ducks who we have spent the last month raising.
You can see the joy this swing brings him every single day! Sometimes for hours!
And here he is crying because he snapped himself with the hat.
Happy Birthday KJB!
Mommy Loves you so much!
so sweet - happy birthday kaden!
No more babies in the house! Happy Birthday Kaden!
So cute! He is definitely a mama's boy but so was Kenyon. Happy Birthday Kaden!
Hey mrs.Middleton
It's Cassidy. Nooo way Kaden is 2! He's such a big boy! Wish him a late happy birth from me Cassidy!
P.S. I'm a big fan of your blog!
Kaden is such a sweetie! Happy belated birthday cutie pie!
Love it! Happy Birthday Kaden!
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