Christmas morning we added a new tradition to help slow things down and get the focus more off of the presents. We told the kids that we were going to hide the little nativity pieces and they would not be allowed to open their stockings until they had found each piece. Kenyon was up at 6 telling me how he had already looked and not found anything. He was pretty upset. Kyle forgot our kids are 11 and under and decided to hide them for a group of adults. Seriously one of them was in the bread maker that is put away in our cabinets, to find one you had to take the clock off the wall and look inside it and others were taped or hidden in rediculously hard places. Eventually the kids found them all (with major hints) and they got to open their stockings.
Grandpa Paul and Grandma Jenny joined us for our omelet breakfast and the final reading from our Advent book. The kids enjoy the book and practically have the whole thing memorized by Christmas day. I love it!
Then of course, the presents need to be opened. Not my favorite part but I do see why the birth of Christ is worthy of such a celebration. I just look forward to the age when the kids enjoy the giving more than the getting. We give the kids 3 gifts each year in honor of what the wiseman gave to Jesus. 1 gold/best gift, 1 frankencense/something for worship and 1 myrrh/something practical. Disneyland was our gold gift this year so there wasn't much but it still always feels like too much. This was also our first year we did a stocking exchange (siblings drew names for whose stocking they would fill) and a sibling gift exchange. That helped minimize the chaos a bit and the kids had a lot of fun picking things for eachother.
Kenyon got a new Michael Jackson ornament this year and both the boys seriously play it every day and practice their moves - obviously they still have a lot of practicing to do!
When everything settled, g'ma and g'pa went home and the kids sat around playing with new things the exhaustion from Disneyland, Tahoe and more hit and Kyle and I fell asleep. Of course we woke up to a disaster! But whatever. We cleaned up the house, took down some decorations (namely the big tree dying in my family room) and then took off to spend the evening at the river (kyle's parents). Uncle Ty and Aunt Christi were there and the kids were SO EXCITED to get to see them. We also got to see crazy Uncle Ben and Aunt Dara - always a treat. It was fun to hang out with just the brothers families - thats a rarity!