I have to admit it that i think Adia (and her friend) are absolutely PRECIOUS!!!! There are so many things I love about her and I just wanted to share one of them today. Her BFF, Danielle, spent the night last night. Today I am busy working (not entertaining them) and I go to check on them to see what they are up to and I find them happily sewing. They have taken the seams out of a pair of jeans that no longer fit Adia and they are trying to turn it into a skirt. They are also using some of the extra jean fabric to make a matching purse.
Now I am not saying I love that she is crafty (although I do). What I love is her innocent spirit. At her age (6th grade) my girlfriends and I were T-R-O-U-B-L-E and in all honesty her and her friends are SO NOT! They are so respectful to me, they help do chores while they are here, last night she babysat with Adia, they include the siblings in most of what they do, they expect no money to be spent on them, and they are just a JOY for me to be around! It is NEVER a burden when one of her friends come over and I appreciate each of them and the special influence they have on her.
So, one thing I LOVE about Adia is her wise selection of friends
and the true gift of friendship she offers to some super special girls!
I'm so proud!!! :)
Having met Danielle several times over the past few years, I have to agree - Adia has chosen a great friend - but Danielle, on the other hand, has also chosen a great friend! May they always be good for each other.
I am so proud of Adia! (Yes, when I had friends over it was "mom, take Lara and I to the mall. Mom we want pizza! . . .") She truly is such an amazing young lady and you are doing an awesome job raising her!
What an awesome group of girls... of course I'm partial to the crafting too!
That is so cute, I hope hope hope that my girls have friends like this.
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